Samurai vs. western Knight
There is a never ending discussion about fencing skill of the samurai and western warriors and who would win in a duel. Such duel actually happened and the winner is western warrior. Alexander Lexo Saichich was born on 5 August 1873 in the village of Vinicka in Berane. Lekso graduated from high school in Dubrovnik from where he went to Belgrade to study at the Infantry school in Serbian Military Academy. After Belgrade he spent three years serving in Montenegro . He wanted to improve his military skills and gain more experience and progress headed for Istanbul to join the Turkish army and served as one of the Emperor's personal bodyguards where he also spent three years. When Japan declared war to Russia , Serbia and Montenegro as a support to Russia declared war to Japan and send each several companies of voluntaries. Alexander Lekso Sajčić joined Montenegro units with a ...